Neuropsychological Evaluation

Currently offering telehealth/online only evaluations through use of a secure video platform.

What is a neuropsychological evaluation?

Neuropsychological evaluation uses noninvasive (asking questions, paper-and-pencil) tests to assess areas of brain functioning including:

  • Attention
  • Learning and Memory
  •  Problem Solving, Organizing, Mental Flexibility
  • Visual Processing
  • Speed of Processing
  • Language Skills

What does a neuropsychological evaluation involve?

A neuropsychological evaluation involves an intake interview in addition to 2-3 hours of testing. The testing is mostly verbal and paper-and-pencil. Many people report the testing process is challenging, but also find it interesting. Peak Performance Neuropsychology offers evaluations to adults and older adults.

What is a Neuropsychologist?

A Neuropsychologist is a doctor of clinical psychology who has specialized training in neuroscience, neuroanatomy and brain behavior relationships. A neuropsychologist has training in specialized testing to provide understanding of individualized cognitive functioning.

Is evaluation by telehealth valid?

Research has shown that completing neuropsychological evaluations with use of telehealth/video is valid and can provide similar benefits to in person evaluations.